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Decks in the collection

ManaBox includes a way to register your decks in your collection. This allows you to have multiple decklists for theorycrafting or try out new ideas while keeping your real built decks nice and tidy in a separate section. By doing it this way you can benefit from knowing where a card is physically located in your collection, which can be quite useful in large collections.

Registering your deck

To get started you need to go the collection menu inside the current deck screen, and then tap Register in the collection.

Here you will get two options, Add cards and Build from collection. After a deck is registered you will have a new section in the collection tab with all your registered decks.

Collection collapsible menu

Add cards

When using this option the cards will be added to your collection as new entries. This is useful when this deck is one you have physically and the cards are not yet registered in the collection. One common usage is when adding preconstructed decks.

Build from collection

After you are finished with your decklist you might want to play it physically, but first you will need to know if you have the cards and if you have them, where they are. After tapping this option the app will look for all the needed cards in your collection and show you in which binder or deck they are located.

The app will try to look for exact matches in your collection, but you can configure the version picked tapping on the card and choosing the origin.

When you are happy with the picks you can tap Build and the deck will be created in the collection, and the cards will be moved from the binders to that deck in the collection.

Update the deck in the collection

After doing some changes to your decklist you might want to commit the changes to the collection. You can do so from the collection deck button in the deck screen. When updating the deck the process will be very similar to registering the deck from the collection cards. In addition to the cards found in your binders or decks, the app will tell you which cards are still in the deck and which cards need to be removed.

Disassemble a deck

If you want to disassemble a deck you can do so from the collection deck button in the deck screen. There you have a disassemble option that will let you choose a destination for the cards. This does not delete the deck list, only disassociates the deck from the collection.