Missing cards
When building a deck you would probably want to know which cards you have in your collection and in your other decks. From the deck screen, you can use the collection icon to get an overview of what you have available and what you are missing.
Missing cards
Here are the cards for which you don’t have enough or none copies to build the deck.
Partially missing cards
You own some copies of this card, but not enough to meet the deck´s requirements. In this example the deck specified 4 copies, but there is only 1 in the collection.

Missing cards
You don’t own any copies of this card.

Available cards
Here are all the cards for which you have enough copies to build the deck. The app will distinguish whether you have the exact versions or different versions from those specified in the deck.
Exact versions
The specified versions are available in the collection.

Other versions
The specified cards are available in the collection, but with a different version.